Category Archives: Progress Report

Progress Report August 2023

Decorative Image created through ArtBreeder. In this Progress Report for August, I’m actually a bit more hopeful than last month. I’ve been taking it easy with writing, and I’m having some vacation days with my sister being here and keeping … Continue reading

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Progress Report July 2023

The Progress Report for this month is not as hopeful as I wished. Instead of making real progress, I’m sliding back into feeling burned out. Which basically means that I’ve been pushing too hard, rather than let myself recover. There … Continue reading

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Progress Report June 2023

This Progress Report has mostly good news and it has much to do with a shift in mindset that I’m still practicing. Right now, it feels almost life-changing, however, and that is a huge relief. I also believe it’s the … Continue reading

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Progress Report May 2023

In this progress report for May 2023, I’m finally admitting that, yes, I was in Burnout and I’m still climbing out of that pit. Which means I’m not putting (much) pressure on myself to reach specific word counts or even … Continue reading

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Progress Report April 2023

This progress report is rather hard to write. You see, I stopped writing this month. Yes, that’s right. I gave up on my daily writing habit, after clinging to it for over four years. The sad truth is that it … Continue reading

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Progress Report March 2023 – the good and the bad

Progress Report for the last four weeks or so. Writing has been difficult, as it has been for the last year or so, but I have a new aspect to consider. You see, I’ve known for a about a year … Continue reading

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Progress Report February 2023

This is the Progress Report for the end of January and the beginning of February. I write these primarily for my newsletter, so expect them on or just before every 13th of the month. (Of course, you also also simply … Continue reading

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Progress Report January 2023

This is the usual progress report, this time for the rest of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The image is an Artbreeder AI generated one. It is a poignant reminder that we’re set to loose almost all glaciers on … Continue reading

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Progress Report December 2022

Hey, I’m back for another progress report – the last one for 2022. My inner life and my outer life do not match this month. I’ve been having a lot of successes, really, including making #1 in an Amazon category … Continue reading

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Progress Report November 2022

Once again, it’s time for a progress report on my writing. Of course, November is NaNoWriMo, and that means I’m putting a bit (or a lot) more effort into actually getting words down. Writing 2,000 words per day is not … Continue reading

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