Category Archives: Progress Report

Progress Report October 2022

Time for the October Progress Report, and it’s a good thing I always do these for my newsletter so I post at least once in a while. Thing is, there is little to report. I’m struggling with writing, getting a … Continue reading

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Progress Report September 2022

It’s time for another Progress Report, and yes, I do have quite a few things to talk about. Stuff happened, life went on and stories grew. And I need you, dear Readers. More about that below. Winds of Destiny Progress … Continue reading

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Progress Report August 2022

(Another random Artbreeder landscape for my progress report.) Not much progress to report, but I decided to include some silly statistics, since that’s what I do in my day job. Which is a fancy name for handling spreadsheets in my … Continue reading

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Progress Report July 2022

Yes, this is another ArtBreeder image I created within a few minutes, just for this Progress Report. Those images are public domain as per their terms – so it’s okay to use them here. General Writing Progress Report I’ve been … Continue reading

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Progress Report June 5th 2022

I haven’t done a progress report in way too long, so I’ll let you know what I’ve been up to in the last few months… Twin Worlds Progress Report I spent most of my writing time with Sara, Judy, Crash … Continue reading

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Progress Report May 2022

Let’s start this progress report with a kind of bang. Or rather, this bang will come in the second half of 2022. The above picture is how my month started out: I received mail from Susan Kaye Quinn, who has … Continue reading

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Progress Report April 2022

Let’s start this progress report with an image from near where I live. This is the Eckernförder Bucht, an inlet of the Baltic Sea. And it stands for the first two weeks of April, which I took off work for … Continue reading

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Progress Report – September 11, 2021

So what have I been up to lately? What progress can I report? Writing has slowed massively. I feel worn down and ideas are slow to come. I just want to play my favorite game all day (Titan Quest, if … Continue reading

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