Tag Archives: Winds and Pillars

July 2024 Progress Report

Another Valheim pic for this progress report, of course. It shows a fortress my friend and I have constructed in the Mountains, in preparation for a big fight. In fact, we’re planning that for this very weekend when I’m writing … Continue reading

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April 2024 Progress Report

My progress report will go a lot like the image above. Which is from a game I was introduced to by a good friend, called Valheim. Now, a lot of you already know Valheim, after all, it’s not exactly a … Continue reading

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February 2024 Progress Report

In this progress report, I have quite a bit of good news for you. First of all, I am finally feeling better. I’ve done a lot of admin stuff – still some ways to go, but the really difficult things … Continue reading

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Sky Falls – the new, powerful book 6 in the Winds and Pillars Series

Yes, it’s true! Sky Falls, Pillars of the Empire Book 2, is finally out and available in all stores, with print via Amazon. I will say that Sky is also a character dear to my heart, at the same level … Continue reading

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Progress Report December 2023

I have great news in this progress report: I published a new book this month! But first things first: I didn’t finish NaNoWriMo. The Wolf story ended before I could reach the 50k words, and that was just fine with … Continue reading

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Progress Report October 2023

Decorative Image created with ArtBreeder I actually have quite a few nice things to tell you in this Progress Report. I’m feeling better, I’m writing more – and I actually published another book! Yes, I finally got Earth Splits out, … Continue reading

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Progress Report September 2023

Decorative Image created with ArtBreeder For this progress report it matters that August was a fairly busy month. At least September promises to be a little slower (but I do need to catch up on very important admin stuff these … Continue reading

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Progress Report August 2023

Decorative Image created through ArtBreeder. In this Progress Report for August, I’m actually a bit more hopeful than last month. I’ve been taking it easy with writing, and I’m having some vacation days with my sister being here and keeping … Continue reading

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Progress Report July 2023

The Progress Report for this month is not as hopeful as I wished. Instead of making real progress, I’m sliding back into feeling burned out. Which basically means that I’ve been pushing too hard, rather than let myself recover. There … Continue reading

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Progress Report June 2023

This Progress Report has mostly good news and it has much to do with a shift in mindset that I’m still practicing. Right now, it feels almost life-changing, however, and that is a huge relief. I also believe it’s the … Continue reading

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