Progress Report January 2024

A view in the park, showing ice building on the pond. Some snow is on the ground, the whole image creates a sense of bleak winter.

Illustration for the progress report.

There is plenty to talk about in this progress report, even though January has been a frazzling month so far.

I did spend the rest of December with my sister, which has been a balm and a recovery period for me. I lazed around quite a lot, read a lot, did an editing pass for Sky (more on that in a moment) and actually ate a lot healthier than I generally do at home. I’m trying to carry that over into life here in the north.

Winds and Pillars Progress Report

I’m still putting the final touches on Sky, after my awesome beta reader has discovered quite a few more typos and pointed out a few sentences that weren’t clear. I’m so grateful for that! (Incidentally, if you find typos in my books, I love hearing about them. Especially the ebooks are easy to fix, but even print isn’t hard to do, thanks to Atticus, the formatting software I use.)

I still need to commission the cover – did I mention that January has been frazzling – but I’m fairly hopeful I can get Sky published by the end of the month. Here’s the description for his book:

A daring escape. An unlikely ally. A wicked betrayal.

When the day of his sacrifice draws near, Sky Falcon has nothing left to lose. Daring the wrath of the Priests, he escapes through a clever application of his magic, taking the love of his life with him.

Together, they hatch a desperate and daring plan: After escaping the Holy Empire through different routes, they vow to reunite near Jungle Fortress in the south.

On his own, Sky makes an unfortunate mistake which leads him down the road to doom. Can he escape once more or will he find himself bound on top of a Pyramid, after all?

“Sky Falls” takes you on yet another intense and fast-paced ride through the world of the Winds and Pillars, with familiar characters lending a hand.

If you adore being sucked into a tale of magic, adventure, love and battle, you will devour the second book of the Pillars of the Empire by Hannah Steenbock.

Wolves Progress Report

A Wolf’s Christmas is doing nicely, but I haven’t seen any reviews yet. That’s fine, I’m sure a few people grabbed it and never found the time to read it over the holidays.

However, if you enjoyed the book, it would be awesome to let people know what you thought about it. Reviews make such a huge difference for visibility.

If you haven’t read it yet, well, here’s the link. Check it out – it takes place in Germany!

A Wolf’s Christmas in all stores.

I already know the next Wolf book and have started writing it. It’s going to be called A Wolf’s Hacker – and the main character is Shane. Yes, the same guy who had the zoo in A Wolf’s Peril. He has a new life in Ashton, but lives in shame about everything he did. It takes danger to one of the few friends he has to draw him out of his funk. I also know the basic plot, but haven’t found the urgency to write it yet.

Help me out? Do you want another wolf book now?

Penumbra Progress Report

I’ve stalled out a bit on the vampires, alas. I’m shifting their story into the near future, and worldbuilding that has been fun. A lot can happen in 20+ years, after all. I have rearranged our world quite a bit, and yes, the climate crisis is getting worse.

A few scenes are done, I’m reworking them to fit the year 2042. It’s not easy, because I have to create my own version of a future that’s very much uncertain right now. I hope I can tell you more in the next progress report.

I hope to turn this into hope punk, but first, I need to unfrazzle my mind.

Life Progress Report

Life has been throwing me curveballs that I’m trying to solve, mitigate and turn into something positive. However, my little autistic brain doesn’t do well with quite a bit of this stuff.

You see, I react badly to loud noise. And we had two very noise, honking, rumbling protests where farmers ran their tractors through town, intimidating everyone.

In very good news, the three ladies who won a signed copy of South Breaks can now expect their packages. It did take me an entire week to sort out packaging and shipping labels (I hate websites that time out *just* when you hit the buy button), but it’s all done now. Phew.

And next time I persuade myself to offer signed copies, please hit me with a 2×4, someone.

Next week, I’ll have to change to a new version of MailerLite. Sadly, that will kill the archive, which means you won’t be able to go back and read all the old Ember tales anymore.

Would you like me to pull them all together in a little ebook? Let me know!

And talking about Ember, here she comes:

The Ember Pop-up

As usual, this is not really part of the progress report, but instead, the monthly reminder to subscribe to my newsletter.

You’ll get an email on every 13th of the month, with this writing report, more book news, sales offers, and of course, the Ember Tale. Just fill in the form below.

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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