March 2024 Progress Report

Progress Report decorative image.

It shows a scene from Valheim.

I do have quite a bit of news for this progress report. And that makes me rather happy. Let’s this take step by step, however.

Winds and Pillars Progress Report

I’m writing Sun. Nothing new there. However, something exciting happened this very morning: He got to speak to members of a House and a certain Moon. Yes, the MC of Moon Rises. So much fun. I love it when such connections happen. And no, it wasn’t planned.

I’m pretty far in with Sun, over 30k in, so I believe the book will clock in at a little over 50k. Which is basically the standard size for my tales. I’m going to have a lot of writing time around Easter, so I hope I can finish the book by then. Tentatively planning a May release.

Wolf Shifter Progress

I’m sorry. Shane and Dylan just have to wait. Right now, it’s Sun’s turn.

I also haven’t found the time to make any progress with the audiobook for Fred and Mark (A Wolf’s Christmas). That is a tad complicated, but I hope I can get to it fairly soon. I’ll admit that I haven’t seen the sales I had hoped for with this book, so I do lack a bit of motivation, to be honest.

Penumbra Progress Report

Stalled out.

It’s an ambitious project, and I definitely want to write it. Partially to challenge myself and partially because the characters have already hammered a hook into my soul. So yeah, those books will come, but… probably only at the end of the year. Maybe.

Business Progress Report

I have a huge step to report for my author business: I created my own store!

That’s right, you can now buy directly from me and have your ebooks delivered by BookFunnel. In fact, I’m working on an option to also sell my Wolf audiobooks directly – but so far, there is no clear integration through BookFunnel, so I’m not there yet.

As I write this, all Winds and Pillars are up there, and I’m working on the Wolves. Eventually, all my books will be there.

What are the benefits of my own store?

First of all, you get to buy a file and not just a license (as you do when you “buy” from Amazon). By using BookFunnel, I’m also giving you a way to have a backup of all your purchases in their Library so computer crash won’t wipe out your ebook pile. The file is an epub, so you can put it on any reader you want, including the Kindle.

Second, I actually earn a little more per sale than when I sell through the big stores. Yes, there are some fees, but all together they are noticeably less than the 30-40% most stores demand.

So this is a Win-Win, and I hope I can entice you to at least check out: Hannah’s Store

Author Life Progress Report

Okay. I have to admit a new weakness: Valheim. As you probably noticed with the header image.

I can so totally get lost in that game. Which made me ponder why? Why is it so attractive?

Remember, I’m autistic. I love exploring and hoarding and building, but I hate pressure. And Valheim has little pressure. I can toddle around at my own speed, build bases, explore, gather stuff and build more. Yes, there are mobs and events, and yes, I have to create defenses, but as of now, it’s not a high-stress game. And I adore that.

Best of all, the friend who introduced me to it is actually playing it with me and showing me tricks. That makes a big difference. (Yes, I also created a Twink and use her to practice stuff with, but that’s me. I’m a character hoarder.)

It does relax my brain. I even bought the soundtrack. And that helps me write.

The Newsletter (not a Progress Report) Part

As usual, you get my newsletter sign-up spiel at the end – sparing all of us those annoying pop-ups. I send out my regular newsletter every 13th of the month (yes, 13 is my lucky number, why do you ask?). Once in a while there might be an extra one, for a release or a special sale. Those happen very rarely.

In the regular newsletter, you’ll get this progress report, you get some awesome opportunities for curated book sales and grabs, you might get a review if a book totally flashes me, but most of all, you get the Ember Tale.

Ember is my cute little dragon familiar (most of the people mistake her for a plushie, to her chagrin), and she gets into sweet little adventures. Those are only available in my newsletters, I don’t post them anywhere else.

Want to sign up? Fill in the form below (there will be a confirmation email):

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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