February 2024 Progress Report

Decoration for the Progress Report February 2024

Image shows a pond, with bare trees on the shore, rhododendron in the foreground and the spire of a church in the far background.

In this progress report, I have quite a bit of good news for you. First of all, I am finally feeling better. I’ve done a lot of admin stuff – still some ways to go, but the really difficult things are done.

I’m developing some new habits to keep my mind in a positive state, and it’s making quite a difference. I really hope I can keep that going. But let’s dive into all the other news first!

Winds and Pillars Progress Report

Sky Falls is out!

I’ll repeat the description, even though I already posted it last month. But hey, no need to click back, so here you go:

A daring escape. An unlikely ally. A wicked betrayal.

When the day of his sacrifice draws near, Sky Falcon has nothing left to lose. Daring the wrath of the Priests, he escapes through a clever application of his magic, taking the love of his life with him.

Together, they hatch a desperate and daring plan: After escaping the Holy Empire through different routes, they vow to reunite near Jungle Fortress in the south.

On his own, Sky makes an unfortunate mistake which leads him down the road to doom. Can he escape once more or will he find himself bound on top of a Pyramid, after all?

“Sky Falls” takes you on yet another intense and fast-paced ride through the world of the Winds and Pillars, with familiar characters lending a hand.

If you adore being sucked into a tale of magic, adventure, love and battle, you will devour the second book of the Pillars of the Empire by Hannah Steenbock.

And yeah, I’m not above giving you a purchase link, either (ebook all stores, print from Amazon):

Grab Sky Falls here!

Of course, I’m already writing the next book, Sun Burns. I’m 25k in, so that’s about half-way, and he’s about to sneak out of the Holy Empire. And get into trouble. (What else is new about my characters?)

Wolf Shifter Progress Report

I will admit I haven’t done much since the release of A Wolf’s Christmas. Yes, I know the next book up will be A Wolf’s Hacker, and I already know Shane and Dylan, their backgrounds and quite a bit of the plot. I’ve written a few scenes, and if you have read my Wolf series, you already met Shane – he’s one of the villains in A Wolf’s Peril. Here, he gets his own book and a redemption arc.

Right now, Sun wants my attention, but I promise, I’ll get back to Shane and Dylan. And I have plenty more ideas for more shifters, including Mustangs. I hope I’ll get to them soon.

Penumbra Progress Report

Okay, there is awesome progress to report, because I bought covers! Yes, that’s right. I spotted an insane deal, and I have covers for the first three books.

And the cover for “Lion’s Battle” has already inspired a plot point – now I know how Leander’s dark hair actually turned white and why. I also know where they get their leather jackets. I love it when that happens.


I really hope you like them as much as I do. I saw these and simply had to grab them. The designer is James from GoOnWrite.

Life Progress Report

I started doing something that I call “Bed Yoga”, very firmly tongue in cheek. It’s basically just tightening the muscles in a body part for 15-20 seconds, and then relaxing – and feeling that relaxation. (Yes, I stole a page from Jacobson, if you know that kind of thing.)

It’s having amazing results. I’m such a slouch that even doing so little has been improving my muscles, I’m sleeping better and my tense shoulders are easing up. Feel free to grab the idea.

In addition, I’m working hard on breaking my limiting beliefs on being happy. (Yes. I had a therapy practice. I know how those work. If you want to know, I’m doing the tapping thing on those.) And I’m seeing results there, as well. It feels really good.

Enter Ember! (Not a progress report.)

You know this part. It’s where I tell you about my newsletter instead of installing a pop-up, simply because I hate pop-ups.

It goes out once a month. It has updates about me, some book deals and of course, the Ember Tale, which you cannot get anywhere else, not here nor on Patreon. If you want to have it drop into your mailbox, subscribe below.

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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