My progress report will go a lot like the image above. Which is from a game I was introduced to by a good friend, called Valheim. Now, a lot of you already know Valheim, after all, it’s not exactly a new game. Even so, Iron Gate are still adding to it, most recently an entirely new biome.
No, I’m not adding biomes, sorry. But I am adding XP and new skills to my life, thanks to the amazing coach I have right now (and sadly, not much longer). Here’s what’s happening:
Winds and Pillars Progress Report
I’m still writing Sun. The sad truth is that I haven’t written a lot in the past weeks. At least my writing is now picking up as I’m establishing a new structure with morning writing times.
There is not a lot more story to tell, I almost have them where they need to be to get ambushed and separated. Then Sun will face his personal nightmare… and get much, much more than he expected. That will be so much fun to fill in.
I do hope I can finish the book this month. So with a bit of luck, we’re looking at a release in late May. (Still need to order the cover.)
Oh, and I’m starting to get a much better sense of Moon. She got a cameo in Sun the other day, which was great fun and will actually tie her book much closer into the story line. I love it when that happens.
Wolf Shifter Progress Report
Not much happening with the Wolves, apologies. But Shane and Dylan are stirring in my mind.
However, I do have question for those of you who read “A Wolf’s Christmas”. I put a lot of German into it (kinda had to) and I wonder how well or awkward it read. Would you drop me a comment or an email and tell me if it bothered you, or whether you actually enjoyed it?
I need to come up with a solution for the audiobook – I’ll probably remove the German stuff, which will create new problems.
Penumbra Progress Report
Yes, they are still on my mind. I love all three (or even four!) of them. I’m letting my predictions for the world in 20 years setting in – and they might just get influenced by the recent news about global warming/climate change. Because all of that horrible stuff might be closer than most scientists expected (or hoped). The fallout will not be pretty, and the tales need to reflect that.
Store Progress Report
That is another sore point. Because while I was sure the store was nicely set up and working well, in fact, it did not. Orders were not fulfilled, and it took me a couple of weeks to realize that. Fixing it wasn’t difficult, once I knew there was a problem.
So if you tried the store and didn’t get your books (you should have by now!), please let me know. Or try again. Because you’ll help me earn more per sale at no cost to you – and you will actually get an ebook, instead of a reading license from Amazon etc. that can be revoked at will.
Life Progress Report
You may have seen on social media that I was traveling. In fact, I stayed with my sister for two week, first housesitting for a few days while they were away (also keeping little nephew company). The best part of that was taking care of the chicken.
You see, one of the hens always settles on a nest at night. She needs to be lifted off and settled on the rod they are supposed to perch on. I was scared of that. But she really was a dear and allowed me to handle her without much protest. And of course, they all love me when I scatter some grain for them.
I also celebrated my sister’s and my dad’s birthdays, did a bit of shopping and visited the spring festival of an agricultural museum one village over (check them out if you know German or just want to see some pictures: Museum auf dem Gutshof Waake). Best part of that was meeting old neighbors from when I grew up, as well as a lady who used to head the table tennis team I played in. Honestly, I have more roots in that area than I thought.
Which feels darn good.
I’m also getting some coaching which is awesome. Sadly, there’s only one more session left in the package I received. Even so, it’s helping a lot. I’m feeling better about my project management skills (after finishing a few scary and complicated projects before my vacation), I’m starting to understand that strange brain in my head and finding way to use it better. And that gives me much hope for improving my life and enjoying it much more.
The Ember Progress Report Newsletter Reminder
Even Ember is making progress. You see, she traveled with me and when we had some time to kill, she dragged me into a store full of plushies. And there she met… but you’ll have to read my newsletter to find out.
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