I write short stories because sometimes, I like to focus on one intense moment in a person’s life. Or a few intense weeks.
Not every story grows into a full-blown novel, but that doesn’t mean they are lesser tales.
In fact, writing them requires just as much craft and work, just in a different way. Here are nine of my short stories for your enjoyment.
“The Backup”
Emmaley and her motley crew are modern scavengers, exploring space with moderate financial success. When they jump to a new system in their ship Livingstone, hoping to mine valuable asteroids, a technical problem forces them to land on an unknown planet. It feels eerily familiar…
Eventually, I plan to write more stories set in The Keeper Universe. A rough draft of one exists… Emmalay will come back, one day.
This story was previously published in the “Fantasy Short Stories Anthology Series Book Two” by Neil A. Hogan. It is no longer available. The anthology contained four more stories, by Francis W. Alexander, Gustavo Bondoni, Tom Howard, and Neil A. Hogan, 1/2019
“Irina’s Revenge”

Irina hates space pirates.
They killed her brother when they were kids.
She still misses him like hell. So she became an agent of the Stellar Intelligence Services to avenge him.
And now, she finally has her plan in place to end that scourge for once and all.
Except things are not quite as they seem… and they get worse quickly.

“When winter and romance collide, they create an unpredictable force. […] Featuring nineteen short stories from bestselling authors as well as talented new writers, you’ll never view romance the same.”
When Ylanda and her dragon Rakild seek shelter from a massive blizzard, they couldn’t know they would share their cave with an enemy. And yet… they have to choose between fighting to the death or cooperating in order to survive. Logic dictates a truce. However, when that cooperation grows into something more, they are challenged to examine all kinds of boundaries.
Published in: A Winter’s Romance, BHC Press, 12/2015
Self-published as a part of my Cloud Lands World in 4/2018
“Coming Home for Christmas”
Peter is coming home, after fighting in the trenches of France in the year 1917. It’s difficult for him, as the Great War has changed him considerably. Can he recover peace and love when he finally reaches the place where he grew up?
Published in: Tales by the Tree, J.A.Mes Press 11/2013
Read it on my site: Coming Home for Christmas
“Winter Baby”
A short flash fiction tale about a special baby born in winter.
Published in: Tales by the Tree, J.A.Mes Press 11/2013
“Pu’ukani’s Song”

Pu’ukani is a whale with a very strange tale to sing. His story is about a dangerous journey, lost hope, new discoveries, deep loyalty and big change. Follow this lovable bull whale through the blue deep and find out how his life changed completely during just one summer.
I love this guy, btw. I tried to put in as many whale attributes as I could. That’s why you’ll find some weird expressions in this tale – and since whales have to breathe consciously, you’ll see Pu’ukani take a breath time and again.
One final, little thing: All names are Hawaiian. And Pu’ukani simply means “singer”.
Appeared in: A Fly in Amber, 07/2009 (direct link to the tale)
Self-published in 6/2013
“Sequoia – A Short Story”

“Imagine putting your hand on the tree, feeling the rough bark, thinking loving thoughts to it, and then suddenly plunging into darkness. That’s what happened to me.” Max has much to learn and to face an enormous challenge before being able to go home again.
This story was a rather funny one to write. I think I changed the ending – the resolution of Max’ challenge – three times before settling on the one you’ll find in this book.
And it’s so different that all magazines I submitted it to couldn’t really place it. It’s magical, shamanic, time-travel (really?) and just not what people are used to. So try it out if you like different.
“Something New Under the Sun”
This is a very, very short story, telling a tale in mere dialogue. It was inspired by a friend with a very special plushie. Want to know? Click on the link below, it’s available online.
Appeared in: Antipodean SF, 04/2008
“Minkus, the Masterful Magic Mender”

Minkus is a grumpy old magic mender. He travels through the country, fixing spells and refreshing magical objects. He has no idea that his life is not entirely his own – and that is only revealed to a girl who can see magical creatures.
Appeared in: Alien Skin, 04/2008
Reprinted in: Abandoned Towers, 11/2008
Reprinted in: Here be Dragons, self-published in 6/2014
For the German short stories, check this link: Kurzgeschichten