They say to never apologize after a long break in blogging. They say to just pick up the pieces and continue as if nothing ever went wrong… lah di dah.
Well, that doesn’t feel right. You deserve to know what really happened:
The afternoon after I published the post with swords (in October), the school horse I usually ride decided to play rodeo, right at the end of the lesson. He pitched me off right over his neck and head, after bucking several times first.
I managed to turn the fall slightly and slammed down on my right shoulder. My right collar bone took the full brunt of the impact. In fact, it splintered quite impressively. I ended up in ER, got some painkillers, was sent home with a special clavicle bandage and an appointment for surgery a few days later.
In order to stabilize the bone, the surgeons implanted a wire, holding the two big fragments in place, and nudged the two smaller ones back into place. I was on sick leave for a whole month. Recovery of muscles and tendons took a lot longer, and I only finished with physical therapy end of January.
Today, I’m sitting here with the last bit of surgery almost healed, but with fresh bruises in my shoulder: Last week, the wire was finally removed. My collar bone healed slightly crooked, despite the support, but it’s back in working condition. And I’ll probably go back to horseback riding next month.
So that’s one thing that happened.
The other thing that happened was a business decision, and that has kept me rather busy since then. You may or may not know that in real life I’m an EFT practicioner, coach and therapist. I love EFT. I love how this technique can shift mindset, ease pain or even work through bad experiences in a gentle way. And I’ve always felt torn between my two big passions in life: Writing and EFT (horses are the third one).
For the longest time, I thought I had to decide between them. I thought I had to relegate one of them to being a mere hobby – and you can’t really do that with a coaching practice. So my writing stalled. I didn’t dare to relight the passion of it, feeling that I wouldn’t do it justice. Feeling that I would betray my EFT practice doing so.
And then it dawned on me. If I know one mindset inside out, it’s the one of writers. I’ve been there, lived it, gotten the T-Shirt. Literally. I know about the inner struggle, the resistance to marketing, the doubt about how to publish, the fear of rejection. The agony of editing! I know it all.
And I have the tool to make it all so much easier. For myself, and for others. And that’s why I decided to use my EFT skills and training to work with authors. To reduce all that doubt, to show you that marketing doesn’t have to be sleazy or time-consuming, to help you feel good about telling other people about your books.
Now there is a website for it. And a newsletter that’s still a little in transition from my more general coaching offers, but getting more and more geared to writers. There are even some coaching offers up there already.
If you’re serious about your writing, but finding it hard to get motivated, to market your books, to deal with all the other stuff that you didn’t sign up to when those characters came alive in your head – amble over there and read around a little.
It’s all here: Writers’ Dream Coach
Thanks for your patience and for bearing with me. And I’ll get back to blogging writing stuff and interesting random stuff and whatever, whenever the fancy takes me.
*Image source: Frauke Moebius