Review: Unveiled by Audra Trosper – great tale

Unveiled by Audra Trosper

Unveiled is the first book in the Raven Daughter series by Audra Trosper, a fast-paced adventure with a slow-burn enemies to lovers trope. The series – a trilogy – is complete and ready for binging.

What happens in Unveiled

Jo (never call her Josephine) is rather shocked when she finds out that she’s not entirely human, that in fact, her absent (and criminal) father was an angel. And that there’s a world beyond the Veils that’s actually her home.

However, that world not just populated by the descendants of angels. That realm contains demons, soul eaters, monsters, and a lot more between Hell and Heaven… and nothing is as it seems.

Jo ends up as a Reaper and gets to wear a black cloak, among other things. Her job is to escort souls and defend them against attacks. So far so good, and she’s not bad at it either. In fact, she’s shockingly good.

Then things go south. (Yes, Audra said so herself.) Of course, they do, or there would be no story, right? And Jo ends up in a team with Caius, a half-demon, both of them tasked to find out what is going on with all those souls getting Lost. His good looks are not lost on Jo, but as a demon, he’s her sworn enemy. Until the situation gets beyond desperate…

Why I liked Unveiled

I really enjoyed this book (and series) because Jo is such a no-nonsense character with an indomitable sense for the absurd. She pushes herself way beyond her own limits, she’s snarky, she’s reliable, and she remains undaunted even by gods. But even she has to learn that she cannot do everything.

I also liked how different this series is from all those angels and fallen angel books. Here, the world is messy, gritty and often gray. There are demigods and even gods (later on). And not all of them are on the same side, either. Audra plays with the tropes and then twists them upside down.

Often enough, the plot takes a sharp turn to the left and tears off into uncharted territory. This is definitely not your usual angel stuff, and not your usual romance, either. If you like action and adventure with a dash of ancient lore and a pinch of sweet love, this book is for you.

What is special about Unveiled?

The book is told strictly from the Point of View of Jo. However, Caius does get a say, in the shape of a little quote at the end of each chapter. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this in a book, and it’s charming, wonderful and sometimes… foreboding. It’s very well done.

Where can I get Unveiled?

Audra likes to make her books available for everyone, so you can get Unveiled and the entire series through many different distributors. Here’s a link where you can choose your favorite store: Unveiled by Audra Trosper

(Books2Read links are very useful, and you can set them to remember your preferred store. They will also take your to the store in your country. I love using them because they offer options to all readers, even audio and print. You’ll see them for my own books, as well.)


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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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