Progress Report October 2022

Progress Report October 2022 Decoration. A slightly bleak landscape with a scraggly tree in the foreground to the left. Artbreeder image.
Have a random ArtBreeder landscape for decorative purposes.

Time for the October Progress Report, and it’s a good thing I always do these for my newsletter so I post at least once in a while.

Thing is, there is little to report.

I’m struggling with writing, getting a few hundred words every day. It’s frustrating that I’m not nearly close to the 2k I used to be able to write last year. I’m trying to add to the marketing, and that’s working to a degree – I gave away over 2,000 free books last month. Remember, three of my first in series are free (Dorelle’s Journey, Decoy, and A Wolf’s Quest).

Oh, here is something fairly awesome to share, after all. My book “A Wolf’s Quest” hit some bestseller lists in the free Kindle ratings in October, so that was rather fun. Have some visual proof:

A Wolf's Quest Category Screenshot
Ranking from October 2nd, 2022

And even better, my dragon book “Dorelle’s Journey” made #1 in two categories in September. I’m very proud of that, although I’m not sure whether that entitles me to calling myself a best”selling” author, since it’s a free book. But take a look here:

Ranking Screenshot from September 10th, 2022

Sorry about geeking out like that. This is author candy, you know. I’m also rather pleased by the many ratings and the awesome averages. So feel free to grab the books and see for yourself whether it’s worth your time. (And if you keep reading the sequels, you’ll have my gratitude.)

Winds of Destiny Progress Report

I’m getting East ready for formatting and publication, but right now, I’m going through feedback from an awesome beta reader, Mette Holm. She really puts me on my toes.

Even so, I will be able to make the release date on November 10th. I also hope I can share the new cover with you soon. My awesome cover designer is on it.

And well… East is the polar opposite of West in many ways. He’s angry, and it takes him a while to turn that anger into something productive. And when tragedy strikes again and again, that anger almost destroys him.

I still love him. I love his strength, his determination and his basic goodness. I’m really glad he decided to come back to me and share screentime in the Earth book.

Pillars of the Empire Progress Report

I’m still writing Earth, book 1 of the follow-up series to the Winds of Destiny. It’s slow going, but with help from a friend, I figured out the big, final showdown and how it’ll work out. It’s going to be fun to write, but for now, I’m working hard to even push them on the road. They feel much more comfortable hiding out in Holy City. (Idiots!)

Here’s a funny little tidbit: I took a voice lesson yesterday, and suddenly had an inspiration for Moon (book 4 of the Pillars/ book 8 in total). No, I won’t spoil it, but yes, it has something to do with voice. She’s going to be so cool. But it’ll be a while before I can write her story.

Screen Writing Progress Report

I finished the class and learned a lot. Seriously.

Unfortunately, my mind has been wrenched into dealing with a lot of administrative stuff (including a real struggle to simply get some signed books into the mail!) and that stress has left me with little energy for my Wolf screenplay. It’s waiting for me to come back to it and fix the beginning, the character descriptions and the formatting.

Do you know anyone in the business? Drop me an email and help me connect with them. Because I already know that a nobody from Germany will have a hard time even finding a reader for the screenplay.


Yes, this is my pop-up that’s not a pop-up.

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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