Review: A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars – awesome, hilarious fun

A Mage's Guide to Human Familiars

First, you need to know that “A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars” by AJ Sherwood is an M/M/M romance. Which I don’t usually read.

Having said that, this tale is so unbelievably cute that I just *had* to read it. I had to glomp on and breathe it all in. And review it. And read it again. Seriously.

But first things first:

Bel is a mage, blessed (or cursed) with demon eyes. That means most of his magic goes to protect his body from his eyes – which can see everything. And yes, really, everything.

Of course, a mage like that, who can’t really protect himself while looking at *everything*, needs a familiar to help out. In this case, a human one.

Enter Nico di Rocci, Army Ranger, one of those high-energy, danger-loving adrenaline addicts, bouncing, running, looking for fun. He becomes Bel’s familiar and rolls with it, easy peasy. But he’s not really a good bodyguard, preferring to go on the offensive, and so he brings in his former boyfriend Garen, Secret Service, who is one.

From that moment on, they are rolling, except everyone has baggage and worries and libido, and there are ROUS in a mine, and skeletons in a cave, and poor Bel is getting more and more frustrated.

Now back to why I love this book so much: It is CUTE. The voice is hilarious, the characters are quirky, the magic fun, and the story itself is much less important than the relationships. There are also so many quips and jokes and movie quotes (and lightsabers!) and did I say CUTE? And watch what you drink while you read, because that’ll be a danger to anything nearby. One example:

“Password must contain a symbol, a number, an emotional arc, a centralized theme, an epic soundtrack, a male lead struggling with inner demons, and a strong female character.”

(A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars, by AJ Sherwood)

Seriously, even the sex is cute and not porn-y. Once they get there, that is. Ahem.

Want to grab A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars?
It’s on Kindle-Unlimited, even: Amazon Link

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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