November 2024 Progress Report

Illustration for the November 2024 Progress Report

Image shows a screenshot from the game Valheim, with two characters staring in the fog of the Mistlands.

Another Valheim pic for this Progress Report. I do think it fits – the future is murky but we’re not alone, right? And we will fight for what is good in this world.

Writing Progress Report

I’m actually writing more than I have been, and that feels good. Of course, it’s both a fun escape and a way of not thinking too much. Not a fan of panic attacks, and right now, they are generally close to the surface. Let’s just say… I’m German, and I know history.

Yeah, escapism is great. I seek it even as I provide it for my readers. Feel-good stories were never needed more than now.

I’ve actually had my first 2k day last week, when I was in the final sprint for my latest Wolf book. More on that below.

I also did something very writerly: I started writing in connection my obsession with Valheim (yeah, it’s obvious, right?). So you can enjoy one of my very rare fanfiction stories on AO3. More on that also below.

So anyway, writing is good, and we’ll just ignore why, at least for now.

Wolves Progress Report

I finished A Wolf’s Hacker last weekend. Yup, it’s all written, but as you know, that doesn’t mean you can buy it tomorrow. Here’s what will happen next:

I have to commission a cover. Always hard for me, but I’ll get it done this week.

Editing has to happen, and I have set aside Friday (and probably the weekend) to do that.

Formatting is a breeze, thanks to Atticus. Seriously, buying that program has been the best decision of my writing (and publishing) life. It saves me so much work.

So – *takes deep breath* – I do think I can get the book out by the end of the month.

This time around, I’m planning to publish it on my own store first, and give people a chance to grab it from there, before publishing it everywhere else. Moving further away from Amazon (and all US-based services) has to do with the aforementioned knowledge of history.

Long story short, A Wolf’s Hacker is coming, and very soon. Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to catch the announcement.

Winds and Pillars Progress Report

Right now, I’m dropping balls right and left, but I finally got the print wrap and interior all set for Sun Burns, and the only thing left is to upload it all to Amazon. Not sure when I’ll find the brainspace for that, but it will happen soon.

That means there are two more books left to write for the series, and I will write Moon Rises in early 2025. I just have to finish another book first, and that leads me to the…

Penumbra Progress Report

Yes, I’m finally giving Lion’s Battle my full attention. And I’m starting a completely new version of it. Right now, I’m finally happy with the voice of it all, as well as the setting – in Cincinnati of 2045.

Yes, recent events have impacted my vision of the future, although not disastrously so. I just need to tweak my worldbuilding a little bit. Of course, history will not unfold as I have foreseen it (some of it seems fairly optimistic by now), but all we can do is take an educated guess. And I will claim “alternate history” for that tale anyway.

The other day, I finally came up with a great term to describe what the Penumbra series really is: Vampire Punk.

I mean, let’s face it, Vampires are in fashion again, although in a very vanilla version. Mine are pretty vanilla, as well, with a bit of a twist: They work for the Light. You’ll find out more later.

AO3 Progress Report

And now we get to the Valheim fanfic.

Basically, it’s a story of two people thrown together in a dangerous world who have to learn to work together – and who are as opposite as possible.

Kembe is a hunter from Africa, dark skin, tall, strong, bald. He’s very much out of his world in Valheim, nothing seems familiar, at all. Even the forest of Meadows is all wrong, and it *irks* him.

Ulfbrit, on the other hand, is a Viking, with pale skin, white-blond hair and an ability to wield magic. Not that it is available to her in Valheim. (She might get there in the Mistlands, but … that’s a looong way off.)

They start out with massive distrust, especially from Kembe’s side. For him, she’s a witch. For Ulfbrit, he’s a surely guy dismissive of women.

I’m four chapters in and hope to update it every Monday. Click here: The Horned Beast

Of course, I’m still updating my other two stories, Steps of Courage and My Shifter Prince, as well.

If you like them, give me Kudos. Thank you!

Valheim Progress Report

You didn’t think I’d forget this, did you? Special Interests are a thing for Autistic people.

By now I have one Main character and four twinks (Big Twink, Guy Twink, Baby Twink and Red Twink). Valheim is still my biggest escape, and sadly, I need it more than ever these days. I have Writer Brain, and it delights in building scenarios, trying to predict the future.

Those are not fun right now. Very much not.

It’s much easier to go run in the Meadows, build houses, gather resources and explore a world.

The one thing I’m really missing is finding more people to play with. Main is for the game I play with a good friend of mine, but he doesn’t have a lot of time. I really wouldn’t mind finding another game buddy, especially as Valheim is designed for group game.

Wanna play? Drop me a comment.

Life Progress Report

Well. I’m scared of the future, but let’s not dwell on that right now.

Having said that, I’m as safe as anyone can be in Germany these days – which is to say, pretty safe. I have my day job, stable income, a nice apartment, I live in a nice town, I have health insurance, I have friends.

Objectively, things are good.

In even better news, I made it to an Autistic group meeting about two weeks ago, and it was wonderful. Definitely my tribe, and I hope this can expand into new friendships and more joy. They even made me brag about my books once I let slip that I’m a writer. So cool.

Life looks good. I can only hope it’ll continue to do so.

Ember Progress Report Newsletter Not-A-Popup

As with every post, I close out by mentioning my newsletter, Ember Alert!.

That’s my monthly newsletter where I talk about my writing (like the above), but even better, I share book news, I link you to sales and giveaways, and you’ll meet my little dragon familiar, Ember.

The Ember Adventures are only available for subscribers, they don’t appear anywhere else.

Want to know what’s up and never miss a new book? Sign below.

About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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