Tag Archives: self-publishing
Money Flows Towards the Author
Traditional publishing, self-publishing, or paying a publisher to create a book – there is lots to choose from. Many authors, especially those who just wrote “The End” under their first novel, have no idea what is the best for them. … Continue reading
Embers at Galdrilene, by A.D. Trosper
I found this book in a roundabout way: It was mentioned by a forum friend who linked it saying a friend from another forum had written it. Classical social marketing. I only knew it was about dragons, and had been … Continue reading
From Manuscript to Ebook
Well, you already know that I’m planning to publish my Lar Elien novels as ebooks. (Which will take a while since I’m translating them from German into English.) Anyway, I’ve been looking into possible ways of converting a plain manuscript … Continue reading
The Book that Started All This
I promised last week that I’d tell you about the book that revived my writing fu and actually got me so excited I set up the blog in the first place. It’s called (drumroll, please!): Self-Printed: The Sane Person’s Guide … Continue reading