Impressum – Contact

Frauke Möbius

Westring 270
24116 Kiel
Deutschland / Germany
Tel: +49 (0)431/2602167

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Frauke Möbius

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(Quelle: Berliner Beauftragter für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit – Impressum)

2 Responses to Impressum – Contact

  1. USAF says:

    Dear Hannah, just wanted to say again, thank you for your comments on The Passive Voice about the republication of Mein Kampf. I wanted to say a bit more but not on a public site. I hope you read my comments there about generational reconciliation, for they are for your heart. I am old enough perhaps to be your grandparent. I have seen much. My father and his family are Schwabishe tribal group, more than half the village died in WWII and another half of the half post WWII by Stalin’s ethnic cleansing. I send you peace, and care and comfort, always. We can rise. We are inextinguishable candles. Most definitely. Write to me anytime you like, if you like. In the meantime, I and my family will keep you and your family in prayers. Also your books look so interesting. I’ll have to check them out.

    Kindest regards,

    • USAF, thank you for your kind words.

      In “real life”, I work as coach and therapist, and I’m trained in family systems work. I know a LOT about how energy, patterns and trauma are passed along generations. A war always leaves its energetic fingerprints in a country and its inhabitants, and of course, the soldiers and their families.
      We can only keep going, become stronger and leave hate behind with a conscious effort.

      Thank you for your interest in my books.
      Warm greetings from Germany.

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